La Panella together with a six-pack of beer. So to pace things upwards a notch, I was inward accuse of coming upwards amongst a vegie side to complement the pies.
After browsing Cindy's massive stash of bookmarks, I settled on this straightforward cauliflower recipe from 101 Cookbooks. It's slow to prep - nigh of the operate is inward cutting upwards the cauliflower (rest assured, I'm nowhere close every bit precise every bit Heidi inward making my florets uniform). The cauliflower gets a chip brownish together with softens upwards nicely, together with the chives, lemon together with parmesan are a pretty classic flavor combo (with expert reason). It may non conduct keep turned us into debonair arthouse motion painting watchers, but it did conduct keep marrow pies together with beer to a slightly classier level.
Classy cauliflower
(based on a uncomplicated cauliflower recipe from 101 Cookbooks)
1 caput of cauliflower
two tablespoons olive oil
two cloves garlic, minced
small-scale bunch garlic chives, sliced finely
zest of 1 lemon together with a few splashes of juice
freshly grated parmesan
salt, to taste
Trim the cauliflower into small-scale florets - run across the painting for a crude oil size guide.
Heat the oil inward a tiddler pan together with add together the cauliflower, stirring to coat good amongst the oil.
Let it tiddler for a while, stirring occasionally. You desire the florets to kickoff to cash inward one's chips roughly coloring (I likely could conduct keep left ours for longer, but The Simpsons awaited). Just earlier you're laid upwards to kill the heat, stir through the garlic together with laid upwards for xxx seconds or so.
Kill the oestrus together with stir through the chives, lemon zest together with juice together with grate roughly parmesan over the top.
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