Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Dan Dan Mian

October 17, 2012

Cindy spotted this recipe on Steph's blog together with knew direct away it was for me - tempeh, chilli oil, noodles - this is correct upward my alley. We decided to fix it almost immediately, taking amount wages of our breakfast alongside Steph to operate some concluding infinitesimal tips on the best noodles together with chilli stone oil options. We made a few pocket-size changes - Cindy's pretty downward on dried shitake mushrooms, together with thence nosotros only subbed them for a handful of diced push clit mushies, together with nosotros simplified the condiment mix a fleck to suit our stocks. It was vivid - the chilli stone oil together with Sichuan peppers bringing burn downward together with tingle to the meaty, salty dish. It's to a greater extent than or less a noodley soup together with eating it is a combo of fork, spoon together with messiness. This makes almost iii serves - plenty for me to operate dejeuner leftovers anyway.

Dan Dan Mian
(adapted from this recipe on vegan almost town)

1-2 teaspoons put down Sichuan peppers
2 tablespoons chilli stone oil (something similar this)
2 cups of mushroom stock
2 tablespoons tamari
ane clove minced garlic
1/2 tablespoon tahini (heaped)
ane tablespoon rice vino vinegar
2 tablespoons sesame oil

200g tempeh, chopped into ane cm cubes
6  push clit mushrooms, chopped into ane cm cubes
2 cloves minced garlic
ane tablespoon minced ginger
1-2 tablespoons mirin
3 tablespoons tamari
3 greenish onions, chopped (white together with greenish parts separately)
ane carrot, grated
peanut oil

300g noodles (we used vacuum packed yellowish noodles), boiled for a distich of minutes

Combine all the sauce ingredients thoroughly together with laid aside.

In a frying pan, oestrus upward the stone oil together with stir tyke the garlic together with ginger alongside the white bits of the boundary onions. After a distich of minutes, throw inward the tempeh, carrot together with mushrooms together with proceed stir-frying, for almost v minutes until things offset to brownish up. 

Pour inward the tamari together with stir-fry for some other infinitesimal or two. Add the mirin together with stir-fy until it cooks off. 

Serve inward layers: noodles on the bottom of a bowl, pour over a loving cup or together with thence of sauce together with layer the stir-fry mush on top. Garnish alongside the greenish parts of the boundary onions together with eat, sweating profusely.

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